Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Let's Connect and Network Now

Welcome to Social Media Marketing for Business and Non-Profits course at the Arlington Community Education Program.

The primary goal for you today is to introduce you to what social media marketing can do for you as well as your business or future business endeavors. As we explore this growing 24/7 topic, you will create and begin your networking today, both within the walls of our classroom and beyond.

This blog posting experience will connect you to one another in today's class as we introduce ourselves and begin expanding your network.

Instructions on Posting to the blog:

*Please introduce yourself in your comment to your classmates. Include in your comment the following:

a. Your name
b. The type of business you are interested in marketing
c. How you stay connected with friends and family
d. How you stay connected to competitors in your field
e. How you advertise your services
f. What town your business is located
g. What you hope to learn from this course
h. What you use technology for currently at home and/or at work

Looking forward to our welcoming discussion.
